Monday 20 May 2013


Orlan is a French artist who explores post-modern ideas through confronting the viewer with images of her body. Her first controversial artwork was called "The Kiss of the Artist" which she performed in 1977. She not only stirred many positive and negative responses, but also caused her suspension from her teaching position.

Basically, she photographed her torso, and transformed it into a vending machine. She called out to passers by to place five francs (coins) at the base of her neck, and in return, she would jump up and give them a kiss. This action reflects on the lack of women's presence and taboos in contemporary art. She provides an offensive image to comment on the act and reasons behind it's offensiveness.

Orlan also films herself having surgery. Without anaesthetic. One of these surgeries was called "Omnipresence Surgery" in 1993. She is not enhancing her appearance as some viewers believe, but creating a new identity. As a society, we are obsessed with mythical beings. She defends this hybridization and tolerance through her mutant and ever changing identities.

All up, Orlan is really confronting and a little bit scary, but her art raises serious questions of beauty and gender roles.

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